Lindsay With Love

Mid-July 2022 Channeled Messages

Mid-July 2022 Channeled Messages

Each month I drop into meditation & ask one simple question "What does each sign of the zodiac need to know for (insert month & year)?" After receiving phrases or words for each sign, I sit and allow the guides to automatically write a message through me, which I deliver to you.

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These are general messages, so please take what resonates and leave the rest behind.  The messages are typed with the same emphasis as they come to me in written form.  

Remember, you are on your own, unique Soul mission, so the messages will not always be for you at this time.  You do not have to absorb these words as your truth.  Make sure to read your Rising & Moon sign messages if your Sun sign doesn’t align with you for mid-July 2022.   

with love & light,
Your Energy & Spiritual Biz Coach Lindsay

P.s. Follow me on TikTok & Instagram @lindsaywithlove for daily healing + spiritual business tips!

Enjoying these free energy forecasts?

Aries (March 21st to April 19th)

Meditation Words: Around the Corner

Aries, something you have been waiting for quite some time is right around the corner!  We are excited for you…you have worked hard for this to come to fruition.  When it finally arrives, make sure you continue to hold gratitude for it so you can repeat the process, and do it again if that’s your focus.  It may feel a bit overwhelming at first, so take your time with it.  If it’s too much or you decide this desire is not exactly what you hoped for, then that’s okay!  Change the desire slightly for next time.  Congrats, Aries!

Taurus (April 20th to May 20th)

Meditation Words: Just a Little Bout

Taurus, you just need a liiiiiiitttle bit more effort put toward something, but the effort needs to be explosive…that one big last push to get the ball rolling or the flywheel spinning.  This seems very business-oriented for you, so where is that one last area you haven’t touched yet?  Go hard there!  Don’t leave a single stone unturned in your quest. 

Gemini (May 21st to June 20th)

Meditation Words: Honor Thy Mother

Gemini, your world feels a little disheveled or hazy right now and it very much has to do with family ties.  Anyone can be considered a mother if they spent quality time raising you, guiding you, loving you and supporting you.  We are here to remind you that is noble and a form of gratitude to honor thy mother; HOWEVER!! This does not mean you are your mother’s brain or the exact image that your mother wished for you, and you don’t have to be.  Your Soul came in through your mother for a reason and had its own plans before the influence of your mother.  So, honor thy mother but also honor thyself!

Cancer (June 21st to July 22nd)

Meditation Words: Against All Odds!

Cancer, there’s something happening on the work front that has you in one heck of a MOOD!  You are actually SHOCKED…in a very good way.  It feels like you were doubting yourself, someone, something OR you had the wrong expectation of a scenario.  We want to remind you, Cancer, not a “judge a book by its cover”!  Focus, optimism, envision and fortitude will get you through the tough stuff but also expecting the best possible outcome will have you experiencing the good stuff!

Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)

Meditation Words: A Quick Break

Leo, it’s time to step back from something that you have been toiling away at or that leaves you exhausted quite often.  There is no strength in exhaustion, Leo, so it’s time for a quick break.  Do something that relaxes you mentally and physically.  You will come back stronger, clearer and get things done much more efficiently when you do.  We all need rest sometimes.

Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)

Meditation Words: Defined by Success

Virgo, you are constantly thinking about success lately.  The energy feels more career/business-oriented than home lie, but it could be either.  Your ideas of success rest largely on your resources and material goods (at this time), but it is important to remember YOU have the ability to define success for yourself.  You feel like you are defined by these things because…well society…so we want you to remember that yes, you are defined by success BUT YOU also get to write the definition!  Breathe, Virgo, we see your success. 

Connecting to Your Guides & Higher Self

You can easily raise your awareness and connect to your Higher Self & Guides like I have successfully done for myself.  Once you activate this connection, you start to live in flow state and can easily see the signs that are meant just for you.  You can connect to your Soul purpose and actually begin to live out your Soul mission here on Earth. 

Join the self-paced Align+Activate healing course for the clarity and connection you crave.

Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)

Meditation Words: Expanded Efforts

Libra, there’s something you really want to manifest, allow, achieve or receive lately.  It has been on your mind for quite some time.  We are here to tell you that is on its way to you, but it would be very beneficial for you if you expand your efforts.  There is something you can do right now to make things go a bit faster for you.  release any doubts and fears and GO FOR IT!!!

Scorpio (October 23rd to November 21st)

Meditation Words: In A World So Cold

Scorpio, it has been a rough month for you if we remember correctly.  Here’s the deal, though.  Half of it is what you make of it.  Are you reacting or are you consciously responding?  The world can be cold, but it doesn’t have to be.  It is what you decide.  Perhaps it is time to release something that has kept you in a low-vibrational state for too long!

Sagittarius (November 22nd to December 21st)

Meditation Words: Rushing In

Sagittarius, there is a vision in your mind…like a burst dam and the water is rushing in soooooo fast.  It’s okay, Sagittarius.  You are okay.  YOU can handle this.  If it becomes emotionally, mentally or spiritually overwhelming, look to us for support and try to remember you are exactly where you need to be.  This opportunity for “rushing in” is going to help you tremendously in the long run.  You are going to be able to quickly recognize gaps or holes and you are going to be reminded of how strong, smart and talented you really are!

Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19th)

Meditation Words: It's About Damn Time/The Time is Now

Capricorn, it’s time to release the brake pedal and step on the gas.  You are ready and as prepared as you will ever be, but you will go nowhere fast if you don’t make the decision to GO FOR IT!  What is holding you back?  That is only for you to know and decide, Capricorn.  Once you figure it out, make the decision.  You will never know if you never try.

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18th)

Meditation Words: See the Pattern

Aquarius, there has been an ongoing issue that you just can’t quite seem to resolve and it’s driving you mad!  We want you to sit down and think through each time this has happened.  From there, write out the key “players”, what was said, reactions and emotions…every little detail.  We can guarantee you there is a pattern.  Once you see it, you can help resolve the problem.  Remember, small things on the surface can sometimes go very deep.

Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)

Meditation Words: Positive Progression

Pisces, we want to take this time to tell you we are very proud of your recent positive progression.  We recognize that the dreams of many Pisces stay just that…dreams…because you can become easily distracted by your imagination and another great idea.  Pisces, if you stay focused, appreciative and excited for what you are working on, you will have success.  Keep up the positive progression (even if it’s just 2 small actions) each day.  You are getting closer.

Connecting to Your Guides & Higher Self

You can easily raise your awareness and connect to your Higher Self & Guides like I have successfully done for myself.  Once you activate this connection, you start to live in flow state and can easily see the signs that are meant just for you.  You can connect to your Soul purpose and actually begin to live out your Soul mission here on Earth. 

Join the self-paced Align+Activate healing course for the clarity and connection you crave.

with love & light,

Your Energy & Spiritual Biz Coach Lindsay

Follow @lindsaywithlove on TikTok Instagram

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