Lindsay With Love

March 2024 Channeled Horoscope

March 2024 Horoscope

Each month I drop into meditation & ask one simple question "What does each sign of the zodiac need to know for (insert month & year)?" After receiving phrases or words for each sign, I sit and allow the guides to automatically type a message through me, which I deliver to you.

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These are general messages, so please take what resonates and leave the rest behind.    

Remember, you are on your own, unique Soul mission, so the messages will not always be for you at this time.  You do not have to absorb these words as your truth.  Make sure to read your Rising & Moon sign messages if your Sun sign doesn’t align with you for March 2024.  

Dive deeper into your Soul, your Soul’s purpose, karmic lessons and more with a Know Thyself Natal Birth Chart Report.  Know yourself fully to experience the ultimate joys of life.  Get yours today!

with love & light,
Your Energy & Spiritual Biz Coach Lindsay

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Aries (March 21st to April 19th)

Meditation Words: On Repeat

Aries, the energy is that of a loop in some area of your life.  There is a feeling that this energy is likely of a physical or mental nature.  It’s like you might be trying to solve something or change something through an energy of misaligned action, Aries.  The reason we describe it as misaligned is because there is almost an underlying sense of desperation.  It’s almost like you are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole, and we all know that won’t work, Aries.  When you sit in this energy of thinking, thinking, thinking, doing, doing, doing, trying, trying, trying yet nothing seems to work, Aries you know that is a clue.  Perhaps, this simply isn’t your problem to solve.  Or, Aries, perhaps it’s time for you to simply take your mind off of it.  When your mind is full of chaos, so is the world around you.  Do you notice that it’s only when you are fed up enough to just say “forget it” that a solution comes along?  We recommend that you put your mind to rest at this time, Aries, and focus on something you love.  This will help you restore an energetic balance within you and will open you up to new possibilities and solutions to break free from the loop.

Taurus (April 20th to May 20th)

Meditation Words: You Are Worthy

Taurus, the energy is that of almost disbelief of something that has happened for you recently.  We want to remind you, Taurus, that life happens for you not to you.  Although this may seem hard to understand or believe at times, it is true.  One could conclude that we have certain experiences that are can be either labeled as “lessons” or “blessings”.  The interesting part, though, Taurus is that almost all experiences initially labeled as “lessons” turn into blessings as we raise our vibration and shift into new frequencies.  There is a feeling that something you recently experienced feels “too good to be true” or something that doesn’t “happen for someone like you”.  And in both cases, Taurus, we will remind you that those sayings are simply your ego’s way of trying to trick you into self-sabotage.  You are worthy of the most beautiful, joyful and abundant moments of life, Taurus, just like all others in this Universe.  You are no exception.  You are worthy.

Gemini (May 21st to June 20th)

Meditation Words: A New Approach

Gemini, the energy is that of you experiencing a new way of approaching something in your life.  This is not any small part of life either, Gemini.  It’s like you have had a complete perspective shift in your thinking and because of it, you have truly changed your external environment.  Gemini, it’s as if maybe this is the first time that you have truly realized how powerful your thoughts and energy really are.  We say this because it’s a feeling of being in awe with yourself and the world around you.  For those of you this resonates with, there is the feeling that you have always believed in manifesting and that we are energy, but you have finally proven it to yourself.  This is a very exciting moment for you, Gemini.  It’s as though there are doors in your life that have opened right before your eyes.  Doors that you either never knew existed OR doors you thought would never open for you.  Gemini, you are worthy of the life you create…because you created it!  It simply would not exist for you otherwise.  Now is the time to keep going, Gemini.  See if you can do this again for something else you desire.  We know you can.  Enjoy your new reality!

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Look to the stars to gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your natural gifts and talents.  You came here for a special reason.  Discover what it is today!

Cancer (June 21st to July 22nd)

Meditation Words: In The Flow

Cancer, the energy is that of you finding your footing.  There may have been some upheaval, nervousness, or fear in your life over the past couple of months that was causing you some concern.  Cancer, this energy has shifted for you over the last couple of weeks.  It’s the feeling as though you have found your groove.  Your days are likely more structured, and you are grateful for the comfort that a routine provides to you and your sensitive energy.  There are no cautions for you at this time, Cancer.  We are happy that you are in a positive headspace.  There is opportunity while living in this energy, Cancer.  Can you feel it?  It’s the chance for your Soul to evolve into a calmer version of yourself.  Why does calmness matter?  Cancer, calm energy (especially a calm mind) is the way you manifest whatever it is you desire.  So, Cancer, we challenge you to become even more aware of yourself.  The next time there is a chance for you to become agitated, upset, or frustrated, test yourself.  See if you can sense that energy, honor it, and release it.  See if you can let it roll right off of your back.  It’s not about being right, Cancer.  It’s about maintaining your calmness so you can more easily create your reality.

Leo (July 23rd to August 22nd)

Meditation Words: Step Up Your Game

Leo, the energy is that of someone giving you a run for your money.  It’s the feeling that you are being encouraged to step up your game, to stand in your power, to do the dang thing, Leo!  So, will you do it?  Or are you too proud to admit areas that could be improved?  Leo, not everyone is out to get you.  In fact, you have many in your corner rooting for you.  All of life boils down to perspective, Leo.  There’s no need to compare yourself to anyone else.  There is only the need for you to reach for greater heights, to expand your perspectives, to open your mind to even greater possibilities, and to take aligned action toward those desires.  The most vulnerable yet courageous thing you can do in this scenario, Leo, is to ask for help or guidance if you need it.  We trust that there is not a Soul on this Earth that doesn’t find it commendable when others are trying to grow and develop.  It’s a beautiful thing and one that you came here to do in this lifetime.  So, Leo, ponder this idea.  Self-reflect.  Take a walk in nature.  Give your mind time to digest.  And then, decide if this is something you want to do for yourself or not.  Because it’s not for anyone else, Leo.  It’s for you.

Virgo (August 23rd to September 22nd)

Meditation Words: Taking On Too Much

Virgo, the energy is that of you making a few too many moves all at once.  There are a few ways this energy is unfolding for you.  In your typical Virgo fashion, you may be taking on too many responsibilities when it comes to your family, friends, colleagues and everyone in between.  Virgo, we all know you are one of the most selfless energies in the Universe, but similar to Capricorn’s message, eventually enough is enough.  We recommend that you work on saying “no” to things that do not light your heart on fire.  When we say yes when we really mean no, we stand out of integrity with our manifesting energy making our lives much harder for ourselves than they need to be.  The other potential with this energy is that maybe you are not necessarily taking on too much, but you are putting a pressure on yourself to perform perfectly…another tendency when you are in a more stereotypical energy of the Virgos living their lives on the 3D plane.  Virgo, did you know that there is no such thing as perfect?  Did you know that nobody expects perfect from you?  Did you know that we came to this Universe to experiment and learn, both of which are never perfect?  Virgo, allow yourself to be authentically you because that is when you are truly perfect. 

Libra (September 23rd to October 22nd)

Meditation Words: Abundant Creative Energy

Libra, the energy is that of enough energy to last the entire year!  This is not just a physical energy though, Libra, it is even more exciting than that!  It’s the energy of creation – of manifestation itself!  And for you this month, it is highly likely that you can feel this energy just buzzing inside of you.  Libra, because you are always seeking a balanced approach toward life, you may be trying to calm this energy down.  It’s unlike you to be so worked up (in an excited way) over something.  But this time Libra, permission granted to go all out!  It is not every day that one taps into this abundant creative energy, so we recommend that you seize the opportunity in this moment.  What ideas have been in your mind for too long, Libra?  It’s time to let your mind be free and bring your ideas into your reality!  This is the energy of aligned action, and it is yours for the taking.  The only caution we have at this time is to be mindful of you holding yourself back.  There is something beautiful and powerful that will come when you allow yourself to be fully you, immersed in your own energy and radiating that authenticity out into the Universe.  Let’s go, Libra!

Scorpio (October 23rd to November 21st)

Meditation Words: A Stronger Foundation

Scorpio, the energy is that of something new in your life that is currently being built.  This can be the start to something great; however, the foundation that is being bult needs to be stronger.  It’s this feeling of a soft foundation, like you are building something on fluff rather than the facts.  This is fine, Scorpio, if what you are building is meant to be temporary or short-lived.  However, Scorpio, if your intentions are that you are creating something meant to be long-lasting, you may want to re-think your current strategy.  This is not to say you must scratch everything and rush into re-creating it.  Instead, we want you to take the strongest parts and add onto them.  Feel free to release the rest, Scorpio.  The energy feels entrepreneurial like the start of a new business idea or project.  For those of you working, this could be a new role you have taken on at work or a new project you have started.  If this resonates for you, we recommend that you review what you have done so far and go back and make amendments where needed before continuing on.  This will save you time in the long-run, Scorpio.

Sagittarius (November 22nd to December 21st)

Meditation Words: Heightened Senses

Sagittarius, the energy is that of excitement.  It feels as though there is an area of your life where you are extremely excited about and motivated toward at this time.  Sagittarius, this does not necessarily feel work-related (although it could be for some).  Instead, it feels more like you have finally chosen yourself for once and are doing the things that truly light you up inside no matter what others think or have to say.  We are so proud of you, Sagittarius!  Imagine if everyone followed that little nudge in their heart.  What an even more beautiful place the world would be!  When you live this way, Sagittarius, following your heart, you raise your vibration.  The frequency of your energetic bodies shifts higher, and oftentimes, heightened senses are a result.  They say one must change internally to see their external environment change.  If you are resonating with this message, you now know this is absolute truth.  You have shifted your energy by following your Soul’s desires, and as a result of this, you experience physical shifts in the form of heightened sight, hearing and likely smell.  Does everything appear more vibrant, crisp and alive?  Congratulations on the new frequency, Sagittarius!

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Capricorn (December 22nd to January 19th)

Meditation Words: Demanding

Capricorn, the energy is that of a persistent and powerful energy in your life at this time.  For many of you, this is going to be work-related.  Some big project is due.  Your boss is micromanaging.  Your team isn’t working cohesively.  It’s the energy of feeling worn out, depleted and quite sick of dealing with it all.  If this resonates for you, it’s time to take a break, Capricorn.  We want to remind you that you are worthy and valuable because you exist in this lifetime.  You aren’t here to be stressed at work all day.  You are here to live!  Of course, we understand that it isn’t always “that easy” to stop everything you are doing to take time for yourself.   However, Capricorn, self-care is vital to your health.  You must create this time for yourself, even in your demanding days.  Choose what feels best for you, but whatever you choose, allow yourself to fully immerse yourself in the rest.  Realize that when you give your mind and body a chance to fully rest without any outside disruptions (we recommend meditation) for even 15 minutes each day, you will make your life easier for yourself.  Capricorn, listen to and respect your energy.  It will get better.

Aquarius (January 20th to February 18th)

Meditation Words: Puzzling

Aquarius, the energy is that of an interesting dynamic.  This energy feels related to the spiritual side of your life, Aquarius.  If you have recently embarked upon your journey, we would like to remind you that much of the journey will be confusing in the moment.  This is only because it is something you have not experienced before AND it is something that is so individualistic and unique to you, that no two people will have the exact same journey.  That’s how vital and special you are to the Universe, Aquarius.  They say hindsight is 20-20, don’t they Aquarius?  There’s a reason for that fun saying, and as you grow and your Soul expands on this journey, you will look back and see how all of the pieces have connected to lead you to this moment.  Right here.  Right now.  This moment is all there is, Aquarius.  Relish in it.  Enjoy it.  We are proud you have decided to take a chance on you.  Have fun on the journey, and don’t be afraid to share what you have learned.  You never know who might need that little piece of brilliance you share to help them on their own journey.  

Pisces (February 19th to March 20th)

Meditation Words: Fruitful

Pisces, the energy is that of things going your way.  You are experiencing expansion in what feels like all areas of your life.  On the one hand Pisces, you are enjoying this moment because everything is going “right”; whereas on the other hand, you may want to take a second to stop, breathe, reflect and make sure you are up for all of it.  Pisces, isn’t it interesting how easy manifesting becomes when we finally stop trying to force everything?  You are living in a flow state at this time.  For many of you, it will be recent connections you have made via networking events or friend circles that are helping you build out your dreams!  With your Piscean, dreamy energy, this is a beautiful way for you to create.  As always, we suggest you remain grounded as you ride this powerful, energetic wave.  For those of you starting over in some area of life, this is the moment where you start to build your momentum.  When it feels like you have reached your goal, keep going.

with love & light,

Your Energy & Spiritual Biz Coach Lindsay

Follow @lindsaywithlove on TikTok

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