Lindsay With Love

December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Each month I drop into meditation & ask one simple question "What does each sign of the zodiac need to know for (insert month & year)?" After receiving phrases or words for each sign, I sit and allow the guides to automatically type a message through me, which I deliver to you.

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These are general messages, so please take what resonates and leave the rest behind.    

Remember, you are on your own, unique Soul mission, so the messages will not always be for you at this time.  You do not have to absorb these words as your truth.  Make sure to read your Rising & Moon sign messages if your Sun sign doesn’t align with you for December 2023.  

Dive deeper into your Soul, your Soul’s purpose, karmic lessons and more with a Know Thyself Natal Birth Chart Report.  Know yourself fully to experience the ultimate joys of life.  Get yours today!

with love & light,
Your Energy & Spiritual Biz Coach Lindsay

P.s. Don’t like to read?  Watch your message on TikTok.

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Aries December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: Surrendering to You

Aries, the energy is that of realizing that eventually you must find love for all parts of you in order to manifest and create your reality as you desire it in this lifetime.  It is a feeling of you denying a part of you.  It’s like you don’t want to admit that part of you exists (or once existed), and instead of recognizing it and transmuting the energies, you continue to push it down and bury it.  Aries, this is not going to help you grow into the person you want to be and the life you want to have.  For some of you, this is something that happened in the past that you continue to hold onto.  Aries, it would be best for you to look at this moment, take any lessons you can from it and then find the silver lining.  There is ALWAYS something “good” that comes from the “bad”.  When you recognize this, Aries, you can change your energy.  We recommend spending time with the moment that has you feeling this way, find the lesson, audit your life now to make sure you aren’t wrapped up into the same lesson, and learn from it so you don’t have to repeat it.  Any time you revisit this story, change the narrative to what you love that came out of this story.  This is how you release it from you and find love for all parts of you.  Big hugs, Aries.

Taurus December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: Unexpected Things

Taurus, the energy is that of things coming up this month that you did not plan for.  It’s a feeling of work pressures or things not going the way you had planned.  For some of you, there is the potential of you running into people you did not expect to see.  Taurus, most of these unexpected situations will be easily resolved assuming you focus on the solution rather than the problem AND stay level-headed throughout the moment.  Make sure to take your time and respond with emotional intelligence rather than a knee jerk reaction.  We would also like to remind you, Taurus, that work can typically wait, and it doesn’t always have to be so serious.  For those of you running into someone unexpected, it feels like an ex, an old crush, or past lover.  Similarly, we recommend you keep cool and open-minded.  People can change, Taurus.  We want you to remember that.  If you have been holding onto something that you need to say to this person, now is the time to do it (assuming you are in an appropriate circumstance to do it).  Releasing old energy is how youchange your life.

Gemini December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: External Recognition

Gemini, the energy is that of you feeling like you need some external recognition for the internal work that you have been doing over the past few months.  On the other hand, Gemini, your emotional intelligence continues to remind you that you actually do NOT need any external validation as all self-worth and self-love comes from within.  It’s a feeling of you being caught, in a sense, between the two energies which is making you feel a little frustrated.  Gemini, if you need to hear some words of affirmation, then let the person know.  Often times, we are all wrapped up in our own worlds and can miss the cues of our partners in relationships  – friendships, lovers and business partners alike.  There is no shame in vocalizing your needs.  However, Gemini, when you do receive the accolades, trust that they are genuine and absorb them as truth.  Do not get yourself stuck in this energy of needing and not needing…it can get muddy pretty quickly.  Fulfill your needs and continue on in your new, empowered life.

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Cancer December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: Understanding Empathy

Cancer, the energy is that of you recognizing your superpower of empathy in a way that is empowering for you instead of exhausting.  For many of you, you are out in the world (or online) everyday absorbing others’ energy, and it is leaving you feeling rather tired (and maybe even “less than” due to comparing yourself) at the end of the day.  Cancer, your empathy is a very powerful characteristic when you know how to use it.  We recommend you shield your energy daily.  This can be as simple as declaring with intent that you are shielded and will not absorb others’ energy as your own.  If you already have a daily meditation practice, begin your session with shielding.  When you are in large crowds OR you feel your emotions shift quickly, take a moment to ask yourself whose emotions you are feeling.  If they are yours, acknowledge them and move through them.  If they are not yours, allow yourself to feel for the other person without absorbing their emotions as your truth.  Cancer, when you can begin to separate your true emotions from everyone else’s, you will tap into your superpower of empathy.  You will know what people are feeling, you will be able to read the room, and you will be able to help others heal.

Leo December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: Put It Into Action

Leo, the energy is that of you thinking about something to the point of driving yourself crazy.  It’s this feeling that you really want to do something, but you aren’t taking action.  For many of you, the lack of action is due to not feeling ready, not feeling like you can really do it, worried that you are going to be made fun or simply not knowing where to start.  The first three reasons stem from fear.  Leo, we recommend that you face your fear head on as this is how you release it.  This is not to say you need to (or even should) dive headfirst into this action.  Just take a small step.  Take the first baby step, Leo.  When you take steps (aka action…even the smallest ones) on the physical plane, Source rewards you on the energetic plane.  It’s like you are telling Source that you are sincere in your desires and that you are ready to receive your abundance.  For those of you that feel like you don’t know where to start, there are so many free resources available to you through social media networks.  Find someone who has gone before you and mimic what they did.  There is no need to recreate the wheel in this situation, Leo.  You will succeed and release the mental exhaustion you have created for yourself when you finally take action. 

Virgo December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: Synchronicities are Signs

Virgo, the energy is that of you missing your signs.  You must find your awareness, Virgo, if you desire to follow your intuition and your heart into your desired reality.  Manifesting is rather simple when you know how to do it and where to look.  Virgo, we will start with how.  You manifest by connecting your feelings to your desires.  Now to do this, you must know what your desire is and then set the scene of being in you desired reality every day.  When you know the scene, you will know how to act.  When you know how to act, you will automatically connect your feelings.  Once you have done this, it’s important you pay attention to your signs.  The Universe speaks in patterns, Virgo, so pay attention to the things that keep repeating in your reality.  They are trying to teach you a lesson, send a message or put you on the right path.  Virgo, you will know you are on the right path when abundance comes knocking at your door!  If you followed a sign and there is no abundance to be seen, we recommend you ask for confirmation from Source.  Sometimes we are led down a path to find out it isn’t for us, Virgo. 

Libra December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: Time to Move/Depart

Libra, the energy is that of moving.  For some of you, you will be moving to a new city in the near future.  For others of you, you might be contemplating on moving to a new location (either city or home) as the energy felt a bit jumpy – back and forth – trying to decide.  It’s the feeling that you have either outgrown where you are at, or you are moving to push yourself into a change that you desire.  If you have outgrown where you are at, you may be experiencing some push back in the form of concerned family and friends who do not want you to go.  Libra, you do not owe others an explanation for your choices nor do you to absorb their fears being projected onto you.  If you are solid in your decision and your heart is excited for the change, then go for it.  You will only know when you try, Libra.  If you are moving because you want to grow and create a new desired reality for yourself, we recommend that you reflect on what that desired reality looks like from all angles.  Do you have any limiting beliefs that you can start working through before you move to ensure you do not fall into any old habits or patterns?  A fresh start is beautiful, Libra, when it is truly a fresh start.  Be mindful, though, if you are simply running from anything you need to heal because it will come with you.

Scorpio December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: Mother Figures

Scorpio, the energy is that of needing communication, healing or reconciling with a mother figure in your life.  It feels as though there may have been miscommunication on both sides of this situation causing deep hurt for both parties involved.  Healing is not easy, Scorpio, but once healed, you will have new perspectives, new empowerment, and a strong sense of relief.   If this resonates for you, we recommend that you forgive in order to heal yourself.  We do not forgive others for them, but instead, we forgive others so we do not carry around anger and resentment in our hearts. This energy, if left alone long enough causes dis-ease and illness in the body.  Do you need to send a text, Scorpio?  Do you need to write out your thoughts and burn the paper?  Oftentimes, just writing out our thoughts and feelings will help heal us.  There is a sense, in this energy, that you may never understand the mother’s perspective completely.  You may never get the answer or explanation you seek.  Scorpio, some things just are.  You are powerful enough to accept this and use it to change your story.  Release any lingering feelings from the past…if not for anyone but for yourself.

Sagittarius December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: Career Is Not Always Purpose

Sagittarius, the energy is that of a recent perspective shift around your career versus your purpose in life.  Not everyone comes to this lifetime to get paid for their purpose.  This is not to stay that you cannot get paid and make a living of your passion and purpose, Sagittarius; however, it is simply to remind you that the two are not always intertwined, and that’s okay.  There is an underlying feeling with this message that you were carrying some stress around this.  It’s like you might be questioning if you are truly fulfilled if you aren’t “living out your purpose” but you are equating your purpose to your career.   Sagittarius, your fulfillment comes when you follow your heart.  If you do not feel fulfilled in your career, but it is a good career and okay for you, then continue on with it.  If you do not feel fulfilled in your career and really despise it, then we recommend you start to search for other ways to earn money.  If you desire to attach your purpose with the money you earn, then go for it!  There truly is not perfect, right way of going about this as you need money to survive in your currently reality.  You can always follow your purpose as a hobby and gain just as much fulfillment as you would by making it your job.  Inhale Sagittarius.  Deep breath exhale letting it all out.  Don’t stress over this, Sag.

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Capricorn December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: Loyal to a Fault

Capricorn, the energy is that of needing to recognize that too much of a good thing isn’t always a good thing.  You are super loyal this month, Capricorn, but be careful not to extend your loyalty to those who don’t deserve it.  There is a feeling that you might have started something with someone  (not necessarily romantically), and as your journey with this person progresses, you are starting to re-think your commitment.  It’s okay to change your mind, Capricorn.  In fact, when your heart is no longer in something, it’s better to change your mind and take action because the more you stay in a situation against your desires, the more you mess up your energy and block your own abundance.  If this resonates with you, we recommend that you have a conversation with the person (before taking any other action) to see if you can get back on the same page with them.  If you have the talk and it goes nowhere, the permission granted to end things for your own peace.  Staying in situations for too long simply because we “feel guilty for leaving or quitting” doesn’t help either party involved.  Maybe it’s time to try something new, Capricorn.

Aquarius December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: Identity Crisis

Aquarius, the energy is that of you feeling like you aren’t quite sure who you are at the moment.  It’s this feeling that you are in between energies, Aquarius.  If you do not have an awareness that this is what is happening to you, it may feel rather confusing.  You are quite friendly with many different groups of people, which may have you questioning where you best belong.  Aquarius, what if you just stopped trying to fit yourself into a box?  What if you stopped trying to label every part of who you are.  It’s likely that you will feel more free, less confused, and calmer in your mind.  It is when you feel calmness of mind, Aquarius, that you are open to new ideas, new solutions and new perspectives.  There isn’t always need for labels.  In fact, the more labels you give yourself, perhaps the less opportunity for new things to come to you…?  There is a feeling that one can limit themselves by placing more and more titles or labels because one cannot see how they could have even the smallest space or amount of energy to add any more to who they are.  It’s not either or, Aquarius.  It’s both and.

Pisces December 2023 Channeled Zodiac Messages

Meditation Words: Get Grounded

Pisces, the energy is that of the need to lay down some roots or at least slow down for a bit.  You have been on the move (either physically, mentally or spiritually), and have many new dreams, desires and ideas because of it.  This is an energy of excitement and big dreams, which is thrilling!  However, to create these dreams into something tangible, Pisces, you need to focus.  For many of you, it’s likely that you have fallen off of some routine that was very beneficial to your day-to-day energy and life in the past.  Pisces, we recommend you reinstate that routine or something similar so you can get back to making progress toward your goals.  Dreams are simply dreams when they are not acted upon.  A simple wish will not bring your manifestation to life, Pisces.  It’s time for you to start taking your dreams seriously if you plan on living them out.  And remember, Pisces that you have the power within you to live out your dreams (or else they would not be your dreams!). It’s up to you to create them, though, so get back in your routine, create a schedule, organize your space, and do one thing each day (at least) to bring you closer to your dream reality.  You can do it, Pisces!

with love & light,

Your Energy & Spiritual Biz Coach Lindsay

Follow @lindsaywithlove on TikTok Instagram

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